Deep Paper Pool really deep.

The Elephant in the Room

Paper: arxiv
Code: Published: 9 Aug 2018

Key Idea:

We showcase a family of common failures of state-of-the art object detectors, “object transplanting”.

Backgroung knowledge:

Object transplanting

putting (“transplanting”) an object from one image in a new location of another image

Experiment 1:

  • Using state-of-the-art object detection method (Faster-RCNN [9] with a NASNet backbone [20])
  • Image of a living-room from the Microsoft COCO object detection benchmark
  • Transplant “elephant” (refer as T) into this image at various locations
  • several interesting phenomena
    1. Detection is not stable: the object may occasionaly become undetected or be detected with sharp changes in confidence
    2. The reported identity of the object T is not consistent (chair in 1,f): the object may be detected as a variety of different classes depending on location
    3. The object causes non-local effects: objects nonoverlapping with T can switch identity, boundingbox, or disappear altogether.

Detailed Analysis of these 3 findings:

  • Dataset: 2017 version of the MS-COCO dataset
  • Models: models from the Tensorflow Object Detection API (Table II)
  • Test Image Generation: picking a random pair of images I, J and transplanting a random object from the image J into image I
    • Randomly pick image J I
    • Randomly select a object in J “transplant” to a series of location in image I
    • Dectect result: with bounding box coordinates, detection score and object category
    • Confidently detected object classes:
  • Matching Detections:

Dataset & preprocess:

  • Dataset: Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) & UK Biobank (UKB)
  • Preprocess pipeling:
    • ABIDE: Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes (C-PAC)
    * skull striping
    * slice timing correction
    * motion correction
    * global mean intensity normalisation 
    * nuisance signal regression 
    * band-pass filtering (0.01-0.1Hz)
    * registration of fMRI images to standard anatomical space (MNI152)
  • UKB: Miller2016

  • ROI:
    • ABIDE: Harvard Oxford (HO) atlas (R = 110 cortical and subcortical ROIs)
      • Extract the mean time series for ROI
      • Normalised to zero mean and unit variance.
    • UKB: 55 (100 spatially independent components, 55 non artefactual. Miller2016)
  • Number:
    • ABIDE:
  Subjects number: N = 871 
  ASD disease: 403 
  Healthy controls: 468 
  Sites number: 20
  (from different imaging sites, 871 met the imaging quality and phenotypic information criteria)
  • UKB:
  Subjects number: N = 2500
  Male: 1181 
  Female: 1319 

Network detail:

  • Task: measure the similarity between two graph
  • Graph:
    • Vertex: Each ROI is represent by a node
    • Input feature: for each ROI, the input feature is the corresponding row of correlation matrix for that ROI.
    • Edge & weight:
      • Type 1: Spatial distance as graph for weight
      • Type 2: mean functional connectivity as graph
      • The edge is determined by k-NN (k-nearest neighbors). k=10
  • Network Structure:
    1. CNN:
      1. 2 layers with 64 features (shared in Siamese network)
      2. K=3, convolution takes input at most K steps away from a node.
    2. FC:
      1. One output with Sigmoid activation
      2. A binary feature is introduced at the FC layer indicating whether the subject pair were scanned at the same site or not.
      3. Dropout 0.2/0.5 (ABIDE/UKB) on FC
  • Loss function:
    • global loss:

    It maximises the mean similarity between embeddings belonging to the same class, minimises the mean similarity between embeddings belonging to different classes . And minimises the variance of pairwise similarities for both matching and non-matching pairs of graphs.

    • constrained variance loss:
      Compare to global loss, it add a threshold a to the variance.
  • Network detail:
    • Adam optimizer: 0.001 learning rate and 0.0005/0.05 (ABIDE/UKB) regularization
    • Loss function: margin m=1.0, weight lambda=1.0, a=m/2
    • mini-batch: 200
  • Train and test:
    • ABIDE:
      1. 871 total, 720 train, 151 test.
      2. train form 21802 matching and 21398 non-matching graph pairs. test form 5631 matching and 5694 non-matching.
      3. all graphs are fed to the network the same number of times to avoid biases.
      4. subjects from all 20 sites are included in both training and test sets
    • UKB:
      1. 5 fold cross validation
      2. 2500 total, 2000 train, 500 test